Buckaroos 360 Dog Care has picked out these great dog holidays to celebrate with your best friend! These dog holidays are fun-filled reasons to have a party, enjoy a walk, or have an extra special treat day with your dog.

January Dog Holidays
January is National Train Your Dog Month and Walk Your Dog Month! Celebrate these dog holidays by working on your dog’s training and skills. These brush-ups will build a bond with your dog and encourage new skills and enrichment for your dog.
2nd: National Dog Travel Safety Day
7th: National Alaskan Malamute Day
8th: National Labrador Retriever Day
14th: National Dress Up Your Pet Day
24th: Change A Pet’s Life Day

February Dog Holidays
February focuses on Dog Training Education Month, Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, and Responsible Dog Owners Month for all month long dog holidays. We can concentrate on finding new sources of dog training and educate ourselves as much as possible. If your pet is not of breeding quality, please spay/neuter them so they do not produce any accidental litters. This also relates to Responsible Dog Owners Month, where we want to make the best decision for our dogs’ welfare as possible.
2nd: Sled Dog Day
3rd: Doggy Date Night and National Golden Retriever Day-Take your dog on a fun date!
14th: Valentine’s Day and Dog Theft Awareness Day
19th: National Boston Terrier Day
20th: Love Your Dog Day-We love our dogs every day but make sure to give them a little extra!
22nd: Walking The Dog Day and World Spay Day
23rd: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day and National Dog Biscuit Day

march Dog Holidays
March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month. This is a one of the less fun month long dog holidays, but it’s always good to know potential poisons for our dogs so we can be aware and prevent any accidents. March also has many breed specific days so be sure to enjoy these with your dog if you have one of these breeds!
1st: National Welsh Corgi Day
3rd: If Pets Had Thumbs Day-What would your dog do if it had thumbs? This is a fun activity day for kids!
8th: International Akita Day
13th: K-9 Veterans Day
23rd: National Puppy Day
25th: National Newfoundland Dog Day
30th: Take a Walk in the Park Day-Self-explanatory, walk with your dog!

april Dog Holidays
April encourages exercise as Canine Fitness Month and Active Dog Month! We also concentrate on making sure we’re prepared for any accidents as National Pet First Aid Awareness Month. Dog obesity is an increasing problem in pets. We love to feed the things we love but we need to make sure our pets do not overindulge. Walking, playing fetch, and swimming are just a few of the fun things we can do with our dogs to keep them in shape!
1st: April Fools Day
2nd: Every Day is Tag Day-Make sure your dog wears a tag with current information. These are often tickets home in case they get lost!
4th: World Stray Dogs Day
8th: National Catahoula Day
10th: National Hug Your Dog Day-We all love to hug our dog’s, just give them a few extra today!
11th: National Pet Day
19th: Dog Parent Appreciation Day
21st: Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day
22nd: Earth Day and National Beagle Day
23rd: National Lost Dog Awareness Day
24th: National Pet Parents Day
26th: National Kids and Pets Day-Plan safe activities with your kids and dogs, such as a family walk!
27th: National Little Pampered Dog Day and International Guide Dog Day
30th: World Veterinary Day and Adopt A Shelter Pet Day

May dog holidays
May brings us National Pet Month, National Foster Care Month, Pet Cancer Awareness Month, and Chip Your Pet Month. May has a variety of dog holidays that each are important in their own way. All of them bring awareness to specific issues dog owners have and need to be aware of.
1st: National Purebred Dog Day, International Samoyed Day, and Mayday for Mutts
Week of the 1st thru 7th: Scoop The Poop Week-Develop a weekly schedule for cleaning up your dog’s yard!
3rd: National Specially-Abled Pets Day-Some pets have mobility issues, others are blind or deaf, all can offer lots of love!
8th: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
10th: German Shepherd Day
14th: National Dog Mom’s Day International Chihuahua Appreciation Day
20th: National Rescue Dog Day
28th: International Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Day

June DOg Holidays
June is National Foster a Pet Month, National Pet Preparedness Month, National Microchipping Month, and Social PETworking Month. Fostering a pet is ALWAYS a great idea if this is a viable option for you. Pet Preparedness can include what to do in emergencies and doing basic first aid. Microchipping is a great way to identify your pet should they lose their collar. Social PETworking connects other dog lovers and professionals via social media for enrichment and sharing of ideas!
1st: International Sheltie Day
4th: International Corgi Day
8th: Best Friends Day
12th: Jerky Day-a favorite dog treat, find some flavors safe for dogs and give them some extra treats!
14: World Pet Memorial Day-the world celebrates pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge
18: Veterinary Appreciation Day
Week of 20th-24th: Take Your Pet To Work Week
21st: National Dog Party Day and National Dachshund Day
24th: Take Your Dog To Work Day-if your workplace allows and your dog is well socialized, bring your dog and enjoy the day!

July dog holidays
July focuses on National Lost Pet Prevention Month and National Pet Hydration Awareness Month. Lost pets are a major scare for any dog owner. Microchipping, tags, and current pictures are the most prevention a dog owner can have in case the worst case scenario happens. July is one of the hottest months of the year in the North American climate. Dogs need a lot of water during all months, but especially during the heat. ALWAYS provide cool, clean water for your dog.
1st: ID Your Pet Day-prevent lots dogs!
4th: Independence Day and International Whippet Day
9th: Coon Dog Day
11th: All American Pet Photo Day
21st: National Craft for your Local Shelters Day-Sell your crafts and donate to your local shelter!
31st: National Mutt Day

August dog holidays
August is National Dog Month a.k.a. DOGUST! We think August is the best month of the year! Celebrate your favorite dog all month!
1st: Dogust-Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs and National Yorkie Day
5th: Work Like A Dog Day-or be lazy, your choice!
10th: National Spoil Your Dog Day ,Snoopy’s Birthday, and National Lazy Day
15th: National Check the Chip Day
16th: Saint Roch’s Day-Celebrate the patron saint of dogs!
17th: National Nonprofit Day
20th: International Homeless Animals Day and Saint Bernard Day
23rd: International Blind Dog Day
26th: National Dog Day
28th: Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

September Dog Holidays
September brings National Service Dog Month, National Pet Insurance Month, Responsible Dog Ownership Month, Pet Sitter Education Month, and Animal Pain Awareness Month for month long dog holidays. These topics are all great need to know information for dog lovers!
1st: Boykin Spaniel Day-state dog of South Carolina
8th: National Dog Walker Appreciation Day-give your dog walker something special
11th: National Pet Memorial Day and National Hug Your Hound Day
13th: Pet Birth Defect Awareness Day and Scooby-Doo Day
17th: Responsible Dog Ownership Day
22nd: National Walk N Roll Dog Day and Remember Me Thursday
23rd: Dogs In Politics Day-Celebrate all the dogs that have belonged to America’s politicians!
24th: World’s Largest Pet Walk and Old Yeller Day
25th: National Schnauzer Day
28th: World Rabies Day

October dog holidays
October is Adopt A Dog Month, National Animal Safety and Protection Month, and National Pet Wellness Month. Dog adoption is one of the best gifts you can give yourself, the gift of a new best friend! National Pet Wellness Month tells us about keeping our dogs healthy and as fit as possible.
Week of 2nd-8th: National Walk Your Dog Week and Animal Welfare Week
Week of 16th-22nd: National Veterinary Technician Week
1st: National Fire Pup Day and National Black Dog Day
2nd: Poodle Day
4th: World Animal Day
12th: National Pet Obesity Day
15th: National Pug Day and National Fetch Day
21st:: National Pets For Veterans Day-donate the adoption fee for a dog to be adopted by a Veteran
22nd: National Make A Dog’s Day-extra treats? Yes please!
28th: Plush Animal Lovers Day-you love stuffed animals, dogs do too! Get them a pet safe one to enjoy today!
30th: National Treat Your Pet Day

November Dog Holidays
November brings us Adopt A Senior Pet Month, National Senior Pet Month, and National Pet Cancer Awareness Month. This month brings appreciation and awareness for the soft eyes and gray faces of our precious old dogs. Senior pets make great dogs for quiet households that want a gentle friend. Consider adopting a senior pet!
Week of 13th-19th: Human-Animal Relationship Awareness Week
1st: National Cook For Your Pets Day and International Pet Groomer Appreciation Day
7th: National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
16th: National Slobber Appreciation Day
17th: National Take A Hike Day

December Dog Holidays
1st: Celebrate Shelter Pets Day
2nd: National Mutt Day
9th: International Day Of Veterinary Medicine
We hope these 360 Dog Holidays will give you great reasons to celebrate and enjoy time with your dog and family! Our holidays are picked for fun and enjoyment for everyone. Let us know what other special holidays you celebrate!
1 thought on “360 dog holidays, ways to celebrate with your dog”
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