6 simple and positive dog training skills | Dog training | Dog training skills | dog
A positive outlook while you train your dog will make a big difference in how your dog views training. Working with your dog together as a team will create a life-lasting bond. Spend time learning these 6 simple and positive dog training skills to improve together. Choose to be a pack as you lead your canine companion!

Keeping the focus will help everyone involved. How can we help keep our dog focused? First, practice with your dog in a quiet place. Use high value treats to teach them at first. What is a high value treat for your dog? Some experimenting to find the tastiest reward for your pet may be required. The best treat for you dog is the one they want every time. Great examples might be chicken, cheese, bacon, or turkey. Your dog’s focus is the number one priority during training. This is one skill of the 6 simple and positive dog training skills you need to practice daily.

Building a bond with your dog is important. Spending quality time with your canine companion will improve your dog training skills. Feed and providing daily dog care is also important. Keeping your dog beside you as much as possible will make training easier, along with using the 6 simple and positive dog training skills. Taking your dog with you places will show your dog you are becoming a team. Soon they will learn every move and commands will be less necessary as non-verbal cues will be picked up by your dog. Be careful to always change your order of doing things so you do not create anxiety with a routine.

Speaking your dog’s language is a key to your 6 simple and positive dog training skills. Understanding tones in a dogs bark from high pitch to low pitch. Dogs will use low tone growls to keep away unwelcome guests. Dogs welcome familiar guests with high pitched barks. Dogs also will use their body language as signals to avoid conflict. When a dog doesn’t like something, they will turn away or may even roll over on their back. The dog that welcomes you will have a confident posture and may even be jumping for joy. Reciprocate your dog’s happy behavior when rewarding and they will understand what you want from them.

Dog body language can show us how to better train a dog. We should understand is a dog only knows how it feels in the moment. They can learn a verbal cue through repetition of rewarding a desired behavior. Listening to our dog is a powerful way to use the 6 simple and positive dog training skills. Dogs communicate pain, fear, dislikes, stress, and most of all happiness. Growling, barking, whining, and howling are all verbal cues. The posture of their body language lets you know how they feel in each scenario. Get to know your dog’s body language when they interact with you and other dogs. This can often prevent any accidental skirmishes between dogs.

This tool will be acquired through practice and watching your dog’s behaviors. Watching your dog and every time they give you a desired behavior, such as “sit,” mark it with the word “nice” and follow with a treat. Timing is crucial to your success. If you can see the behavior happening and learn how to capture it in the desired moment, the dog will want to repeat the behavior because of the reward. As you both work together as a team, your skills will strengthen because you will notice the desired behaviors repeating themselves. One of the best ways of using the 6 simple and positive dog training skills is as your dog sits next to you, reward the sitting as it happens without request.

Keeping your dog training sessions short will lead to more success in the long run. Of the 6 simple and positive dog training skills, it’s essential to end your training session on a good note will help your dog’s ability to learn improve faster. For example, if your goal is to have your dog drop a toy in a basket, as soon as your dog completes the task of dropping the toy, we recommend stopping for a few hours before trying this skill again. You can continue training a different skill the dog is already proficient in to continue to practice. It is always best to end when your dog is most successful, especially when learning a new behavior. We should not expect our dog to learn it all in one day. All dog tricks should be broken into pieces to help the dog learn.
The 6 simple and positive dog training skills will help you and your dog become a team working together. You will also understand more about your dog’s abilities as you encourage desired behaviors. Using these steps in your daily routine will speed up your results from training and decrease the times spent on actual training. This will give you and your dog quality time to bond and build a lifetime relationship together. At Buckaroos 360 Dog Care, we encourage your dog’s health, nutrition, and overall wellness. Always try your best to keep your training happy.