Have super focused dog training skills! Learn to maintain your focus as well as your dog’s focus. Having this particular dog training skill will save you both time and money. How do I keep my dog focused on me? This is a common question asked by pet parents. These amazing skills we will talk about in this blog will guarantee to keep your dog’s focus for life.

Most people like big rewards for doing a great job. Your dog also loves big rewards for doing a job right. Make giving your dog a treat super by adding happy sounds like the word “NICE!” to improve your progress. Finding a great, safe dog treat for your canine companion has challenges. Finding your dog the best treat and the word “NICE” will help you have super focused dog training skills.

2. Maintaining Your Super Focus
Every time your dog checks in, reward by “NICE!” and treat them in that moment. This is the best practice to capture your dog’s desired behaviors. You don’t always have to ask your dog to check in to reward when this happens. We want our dogs to stay focused, we show them how by giving them rewards for the focus. This will cause them to want to repeat the behavior. Having super-focused dog training skills is fun with less expectations.

3. Having Super Focused Dog Training Skills
Teaching your dog to focus or to pay attention begins with simple little steps. Start in a quiet place with very little distractions. One way to teach focus is by taking a treat from your dog’s nose to your nose. As soon as your dog looks at you say, “NICE!” and then treat right away. The dog will mostly follow your hand upwards so try to capture the desired behavior before the dog jumps. You want to capture the dog looking at you.

4. You Are The Distraction
Having fun with your dog while learning is a great way to keep your dog’s super focus. Turning fast or using high pitched sounds can keep your dog guessing where to focus. Keep the focus for all the changes with praise for good choices. Your pet will soon learn the more he/she focuses on you, the better the rewards. Dogs naturally want to please so the more you show them what you want with praise, the more they will repeat desired behaviors.

5. Jackpots Builds Super Dog Focus
Practice for success while teaching your dog with these super focused dog training skills. Bring you super dog treats to the game. Building your super focus means keeping them focused. Give treats and say, “NICE!” a few times in a row as your dogs looks at you. Do not reward if you lose focus. A game that can be fun is to have a staring contest. See how long you can hold your pet’s focus. You win if you do not lose your dog’s focus. If your dog turns away, something else got their attention and your goal is to overcome that.

6. Keeping Focus In Distraction
Distractions are challenging to overcome depending on our situation. You and your dog should be confident that you have super focused dog training skills before training with distractions. Learn what your most challenging distractions for your dog are. A great example is cats. Not all dog breeds will have the same distractions or desire. Sometimes even brothers and sisters from a litter have different distractions. Everyone desires different things as rewards.
These skills will set you and your dog up for success. Always have a game plan and learn what your dog’s favorite activities are. Favorite toys and treats will vary from dog to dog. Making focus fun as a game will definitely improve your super focused dog training skills. Understand you dog’s language to let them help teach you.